You're a braver man than I. I go to Costco on Wednesday mornings with a list, trying to set personal record for in and out.

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Even when I'm in my own hunt, I still try to take the observer role... I find my time in a retail space much more interesting when I take that approach. If I catch myself falling into the tunnel vision of the hunt, I break out by stopping what I'm doing and do my 360 scan and take note of any interesting human activity. There's always something noteworthy, and it generally puts a grin on my face ;)

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I love being the observer - I shall use music next time!

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Fun read, Scott! As a minimalist consumer myself, many (most?) people's shopping habits are interesting to me. Costco provides a particularly puzzling cocktail of goods and behaviors. Although I take note of others in public settings, my wife is more a kindred spirit to you in her intentional approach to people-watching.

On a side note, I appreciate your send time for your daily dose of Scott. Perhaps it is just the hit we need at the end of a task-filled day of working, skiing, shopping, or people-watching.

Merry Christmas!

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