Very difficult to go to be early, even if I'm up at 5:30 am. I try for 10- 11. I use the Oura Ring, it's a pretty good tracker. I have to have the tv on so my mind will stop thinking. I set the tv timer and I'm usually out in 30 minutes when the tv turns off. I also keep the room pretty cold and started using a heavy duty cold air humidifier. Amazing how much better I sleep with that thing.

Good luck!

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Scott I read somewhere that the army trains infantry to repeat over and over until they fall asleep "don't think don't think..." It's not too far off from counting sheep, probably the same concept but it really does seem to work for me. I also have a sound white noise machine and most important I sleep with the thermostat at 65 or even 64. All the research I've ever read says that people sleep with the ambient temperature way too warm, which is not good for your gas or electric bills nor is it good for you. It's easy to add more covers. I also have found that 15 mgs of melatonin tends to prevent me waking up as much.

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I find sleep trackers to be completely useless. When you wake up feeling refreshed, it's obvious you've had a good night's sleep. On the flip side, if you're tired in the morning, no sleep tracker can change the reality of a restless night.

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Magnesium, some 420, dark room, and … no tv. The less tv and crap food I consume before bed - the better I sleep. I may read or meditate and that helps.

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