Dec 9, 2023Liked by Scott Paul

Hello Scott, you bring up a principle i discovered in life that comes before ‘hear me, heal me’—these are powerful life purposes. But before both comes the most craved of all in a world of alonenes and being viewed. This is ‘Be with, see me.’

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Scott Paul

Another good post that is showing your love for your followers. No one is going to unsubscribe to bring down your numbers. Sounds like you have 8 people who respond daily, just like David Letterman always said he had 7 listeners.

Anyway, what about a quiz? (Multiple choice) asking your followers what they would like to hear for you?

And then possibly another post asking the group what it would take to get them to unsubscribe.

I will volunteer to count the results of the surveys,

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