My brother just got home from serving his Mormon mission this last week.
He is 20 years younger than me. He was born the first month I was in my 2-year Mormon mission in Italy. The magical sorting hat gave him Tokyo as his 2-year assignment. But just a month into his language training in Provo, UT, our God threw a curveball, and Covid locked down the world. He ended up in Lansing, Michigan for 2 years. I hope it will be a positive memory in his brain as my mission to Italy was 20 years ago. Missionaries are supposed to accept whatever assignment they get and smile through it because it’s exactly where God wants them to be. My brother, Jeff, went to Venezuela and my brother, David, went to Argentina. The Japanese people that were supposed to learn about the religion from Utah missionaries are going to have to wait a few years. My brother may be there soon with his Book of Mormon to give them the full truth soon enough.
If you read this and want to know more, just reply, my brother will teach you and you can get baptized in my pond.
Also, on the topic of Mormons, we have some crazy beliefs, and some are crazier than others. If you are into the fringe of science and religion, you should check out the Mormon Transhumanist event on Saturday. Use the code “doorbuster” at check out for a $15 ticket.
From the Morning Brew: This week marked two years since Covid-19 was declared a global pandemic. Now seems to be a good time to evaluate how Covid has changed us, as people. Here’s a list of metrics compared to pre-pandemic levels.
US air passengers: 87% of pre-Covid levels
NYC subway ridership: 56%
Office occupancy: 38%
US box office: Projected to be 60% of 2019 levels in 2022
NFL attendance: Per-game average in 2021 up 0.9% from 2019
Zoom stock: Down 8%
Covid has certainly transformed the world in profound ways. But all things considered, it might have been less influential in changing human behavior than we originally expected it to be. I welcome your thoughts.
—Neal Freyman
This week I am on a Metaverse panel and I will talk about digital real estate and more.
On the topic of real estate, I have almost completed my barn. This will be where many good meetings and parties will go down. It is also going to have my first ever office. I have wanted an office for 15 years at home. But every time I have one it becomes a nursery or a storage room, or in Culver City when I worked for Disney, there was no room in our 1000 sqft home for an office. I will hold office hours and can’t wait to host founders and friends. Hit me up if you want to come to see the barn office.. or the Barffice.
If you have kids over 10 you have to have the phone discussion.
My oldest put hers underwater to take a photo of a fish in the ocean. It broke. If I don’t help her get a new one, I am basically sending her to school without clothes to wear. Has anyone else been in this conundrum? The boomer that I am thinks she should save up to earn it, and then get it. She is willing to earn it, but not go without it in meantime. Damn you Apple.
On this note of kids, many of them, especially mine have ADHD, as do I. I don’t know if it’s a disorder or just something that happens when video games are more interesting than school, and since video games, smartphones, and Netflix was created, this is my graph to show correlation. So I was approached this week about making an ADHD Conference. I want to call it “Distracted” and it’s for all of us with this superpower curse. If you want to attend or speak let me know.
I have a Chief Meme Architect working for my scottycoin DAO (coming soon). Here is what he whipped up. I asked him to do something that a mom could cross-stitch and hang up in her craft room or the living room.
Upcoming Events:
All week: Dethrone me if you can
March 15 Metaverse panel Free EVENT
March 19 Transhumanist Conference (use code “DOORBUSTER”)
March 22 Taco Tuesday
March 24 FREE Crypto 101 Class
March 28 NFT LA
Scott Paul
801.347.8878 | YouTube | LinkedIn | Volley | Instagram | Twitter
Yes! :) I want to speak at Distracted. I am diagnosed ADHD. Co-morbid with some others. Have been reading and learning a ton about it and myself, teaching others and talking about this. Your research and charts are impeccable. I went through early bio-feedback therapy in the early 90’s. Long history. Plenty of knowledge on treatments, pharmacology, etc. Tons to talk about and learn from.
Great article and correlation between the advance of technology with ADHD diagnoses. Look forward to checking out the Barrfice in the future after completion