Zoltar Machine
The experiment from 2 emails ago went really well. I handed out 50 fortunes and made $12. It probably took 2 hours of my attention so 6 bucks/ hour isn’t bad using free software that could be done by anyone. You can get a fortune any day you want. Just one a day.
I even got an old coding buddy to help build the app so we could scale this baby. You can still be a part of this experiment by sending .25 to @scottpaul. Remember I’m in Italy and hours ahead of most of you when this sends, so don’t expect a quick fortune as I might be asleep when you send the quarter. Right now I’m running the Zoltar Machine with my fingers.
Have a great Wednesday and happy 4:20
I even have the notorious music from the scene in Big. Howard Shores did great in this 80s flick. Minute 3:00 it hits.