Wanna Buy the Real Salt Lake Soccer Team with Me?
The crypto copter landed in my backyard this week. I needed a ride to go scout out where we are building Utah’s web3 campus.
I really want to take over the world…
With DAOs. It’s just I feel that this is the most peaceful revolution we can have. No more need for guns and violence, just peaceful ownership and voting on the blockchain.
For example, this peaceful takeover should get you ownership of the things you love the most. Your favorite sports team (go Jazz), your favorite school (UofU baby, going to the Rose Bowl). Your favorite restaurant chain (Market Street Grill ownership here I come).
Here is a bid to buy Real Salt Lake using a DAO and blockchain technology.
I made a post about this on LinkedIn too. You can check out the video here.
Everything can become a DAO. It will be what we remember from the 20s to 30s as in centuries to come.
What Lush Cosmetics is doing could become a wave. They are giving up on social Media until social media changes. Can’t see Social media changing so basically they will lose 13m because of this decision…unless we make a point to shop there and support the cause.
Can you imagine if more companies do this?
On Twitter, I am going to buy x amount of crypto for every like I get.

I will also be buying 10k of crypto when I get to 10k followers on Twitter. I choose to buy Safemoon because it’s undervalued and the #SafemoonArmy make up 90% of my follower base.
I make big claims on stage and then drop the mic, hope I didn’t break it.
My friend made an NFT of me, and later that day I sold it as an example of how the can be valuable, even to charities.
There are still 30 spots left for our crypto class on the 14th if you want to learn the basics. You can sign up here. We sold out our last event, but this upcoming event has 200 spots.
Scott Paul
ScottsPosts.com | YouTube | LinkedIn | Volley