That’s where I am writing this week’s newsletter.
Skiing is what brought my family to Utah 27 years ago. I skied on the team at Sundance for a year in high school. I went down in an ambulance in 1998 because I failed a backflip here on this mountain. I got engaged to Natalie at the Foundry Grill here in 2003. I was a ski coach here 3 years ago for my daughter Jane. I had my first naked tickle fight at the Owl Bar 2 years ago. Most of my company Christmas parties have been here over the last 20 years. Natalie and I celebrate the best occasions in the Tree Room. I also did an influencer conference here 5 years ago that brought me and Trent together… the same Trent that does Convoi and Crytopia with me.
I just finished doing a run at Mach 2 with no poles, wings spread listening to SuperDrag’s Sucked Out!
Sundance is life. There is a reason we moved close to it.
A week ago I was waiting at basecamp to climb Cotopaxi. I didn’t summit but I sure climbed it.
I got to do hard stuff with my brother and sister. 5 hours of mind-numbing silence and cold. Basically, that is mountaineering at night when you ascend.
My internal voice got the best of me or I got the best of it. It said, “go down when you aren’t feeling it, there is no glory in a summit.”
Well, I’m back in the USA now. Ecuador is special and my fav town was actually this place called Banos.
Cryptopia is sold out except for the party. Tons of music, because Sundance canceled in person and lots of bands and DJs were ready to go. Look at the lineup and buy here.
Giddy will be there sharing the good news about Defi. Look at this article finally announcing our funding round and great partners and investors.
Very soon you can have a crack at simplified Defi when you download our app.
Saw this just now… It’s impossible, right? Tesla van? I think a Tessa van works be a hit.
Here are some of my fav memes this week!! I’m going with the Defi Jedi theme and people make fun stuff with that. This first GIF from Twitter is an NFT you can buy.

Scott Paul
801.347.8878 | YouTube | LinkedIn | Volley
No glory in a summit! 🐻👌