Fall Leaves and Bikes
I live in the mecca of fall colors, and it actually was too much this year. Some social media account told everyone to come here and it created traffic for hours in all directions. However, it remains my favorite part of the year because of it’s ephemeral nature. It’s only hot for about 1 week and then the fireworks are over. Winter, Is beautiful as well, but it lasts a little too long.
Enjoy fall wherever you find yourself. Maybe you are in a place where fall doesn’t happen like it does here in Utah. Come visit me if that is the case.
Here is our ride from my our favorite bike trail, The WOW Trail. I try to listen to music or audio book when biking and often we just call each other and talk about life during the ride. Often we get into couples arguments while on the trail. It’s a great place to just work through anything. Motion helps us when we got issues.
Scott X
Happy 420