I was on a board meeting call today for a fast growing home services company called Hero Home. The captain is an old friend and great leader named Cody Broderick.
He was discussing how he was trying hard to recruit a top sales leader in Utah. He used a theory from a book I have never read called “Wild at Heart”. The idea is that men have 3 core desires. Here they are:
In Wild at Heart, John Eldredge outlines three core desires or needs that he believes every man has:
1. A Battle to Fight – Men need a cause or challenge that gives them purpose, something worth investing in and fighting for. Eldredge argues that this taps into a man’s deep desire to feel strong and prove his worth by overcoming obstacles.
2. An Adventure to Live – Men crave adventure and risk, whether it’s physical, emotional, or spiritual. Eldredge believes that embracing adventure allows men to feel alive and to experience the fullness of life, as well as their own potential.
3. A Beauty to Rescue – This reflects a man’s deep desire to pursue and protect something (or someone) that he finds captivating and worth cherishing. In relationships, it’s often about the pursuit of a romantic partner, but it also applies to protecting the good and beautiful in life.
These three things—battle, adventure, and beauty—are presented as essential for a man to live out his true nature according to Eldredge.
Cory is recruiting this professional by telling him he wasn’t currently fighting a big enough battle. Let’s see if this works. I love this style of getting people to join your cause.
Happy 420
Scott X
Holy life mantra… thanks for sharing Cody’s vision brother