Fresh off of getting my ass kicked and failing miserably in 2020.
I didn’t make use of all the free time with my family to do some much-needed bonding. I instead tried to start a respirator mask company and burned relationships, money, and ended up with nothing but useless inventory. I sucked at being a CEO and weathering the Covid storm with my small team at I said things that were so dumb to people that I want to reverse time and unsay them…and I am not one to regret stuff.
In 2020 People died we didn’t think would die, people were mean, some people were nice, and many people were born. And 2021 had most of the same thing happen again… but this year I woke up a bit.
This year, I gave up fear.
I had fear in 2020, but near the end, I went into the desert alone for a week. No phone, no watch, no people. I had a sleeping bag, a small bag of food, and some stuff to make a fire and drink water.
I did this because I realized I had never been alone for more than 12 hours in my entire life. So I went all-in, with the permission of Natalie and my kids, and spent one week on some raw land we own in the middle of nowhere Utah.
What was the result?
I succeeded for the first time with meditation and I began a journey of realizing that nothing our brain makes up is real. Fear is just believing that we are not in some simulation. When you realize that we are in fact in a simulation, it’s pretty easy to let go. So many people have labeled the simulation differently.
I grew up with the simulation being called “The Plan of Salvation” which is a white paper on how the entire species of Homo Sapien can have our mind/consciousness saved for all eternity. Isn’t that cool? That is next-level shit when you sit back and think about it, right?
My Non-Mormon/Christian friends have the same white paper, and my Hindu friends have very similar beliefs. People differ on what the equation is to get our consciousness saved for eternity, but it all boils down to our brains being persistent and going on forever and ever.
You might be asking, “What the hell does this have to do with fear and kicking 2021’s ass?” Well, sit back for one second and let me explain. It might take more reading than your other boring emails. Your ADD might kick in and want to go see something else on your phone… But stick with me and you might learn a thing or two.
Something happens through fearlessness…
I was skiing at speeds that brought me such a thrill. I’m talking levels of speed that should have got my pass confiscated at Park City. It was February and I paid dearly for getting my adrenaline fix at 40 years of age.
I had an injury after many somersaults and ended up going down the hill in a sled.
When I had a torn ACL and was barely walking, how was I supposed to continue believing in fearlessness? I started to doubt my awakening in the desert. Maybe fear is good? Maybe I should slow down and stop exploring the edges of what’s possible? Nope… I went deeper into fearlessness.
With less time running around in real life I started running around in the Metaverse before it was all the buzz. I went deep into learning from James Jensen and Jump. I invested time and money into learning everything about where humans are going with VR and experiences. James said that his company would help change people's minds and have them overcome fears to do things they normally couldn’t do before. I have seen it first hand. Jump will be one of the most important things to happen in 2021, and you can see it firsthand in just a few months. You can also invest if you become converted like me.
(By the way, as of writing this, I have been in a seat for almost an hour typing this email. That is the longest I have done a single task since possibly taking the GMAT before entering my MBA program in 2009… That was 12 years ago!!! Feels amazing! Ok back to the story…)
Now that I have seen the future of VR and the Metaverse through my Jump experience I’m ready for more. I'm ready for further enlightenment and understanding about what we are supposed to become as humans.
In February met up for a very normal evening with one of my closest friends, Kirk Ouimet.
Usually, we spend our evenings together talking to GTP-3 (an AI program that talks back to you) and asking her very complex questions as you can read here. But that night, Kirk had something more important to share with me.
No joke, he makes sure he has my full attention, my eye contact, and he looks right at me and says “Do you remember the night in Los Angeles where I taught you all about Satoshi and Bitcoin?”
I replied “yes”, and I clap my hands with excitement. Those that know me, know that I am a little child and easily pulled into any new idea or dream. “Yes Kirk, I remember perfectly”. It was the conversation that persuaded me to buy hundreds of Bitcoins for $240 each on CoinBase the next day (which ended up being the best financial decision of my entire life).
“Well, what I am about to show you tonight is just as big as that night 6 years ago in LA so let’s get you started!”, as he starts explaining why I need to transfer my money out of CoinBase to a private wallet so I could do “defi”.
Everything since that February evening has been a story of pure absurdity. I didn’t go quietly into defi. I made a lot of noise!
I made a YouTube channel, hired a team, and paid them with defi tokens. I have a full documentary being made about my defi journey by a different crew of filmmakers.
I have started 4 defi companies and funded 4 others.
I made the first annual Web3/Defi conference here in Utah about defi and crypto (you can sign up here). I joined to help get more word out there.
I have traveled to New York, Finland, Malta, and Paris to meet CEOs of some of the most controversial defi projects in the world. Every time I mention defi on Twitter I get 1,000 likes.

I started a defi fund for rich people that are too lazy and scared to get into it themselves called
The best part of all is I helped start what will be the biggest Defi wallet ever which is called and will be launching early next year.
I was once known as Bitcoin Jesus, but this year I became the Defi Jedi (just bought the domain right after I wrote that). I am doing everything I can to make sure that no one I know personally is left not having a chance to learn about crypto and defi.
(Damn, 3 days have passed and I procrastinated finishing this email, but I will do it and send it before the end of the year)
I don’t know what more to say without appearing like an insane zealot and alienating my family even more. That last part is kind of a joke, but it sure makes for great dinner convos. I am just all in because I feel like these are the moments in history that will be talked about in the history books hundreds of years from now. True pioneers created new constitutions and rules on how social contracts are made and obeyed.
So back to fearlessness and my belief in the simulation…
I went to the desert in October 2020, but my first desert trip was as a 21-year-old for a job as a guide for Anasazi, a wilderness camp for “troubled youth”. With less than $800 to my name, no girlfriend, no degree, something happened that started my journey towards understanding fear.
There was a week where I got stuck without water and we hiked for miles. At the end of the week-long hike, I reached a majestic field. The field was golden like Sting’s song that I love. I met her then, or maybe it was him, or them. Whatever it was it was the feeling that our brains are persistent and we are part of something bigger. At that moment I was the happiest I had ever been and I knew that I was going to search my whole life to get back to the happiness I was feeling right then.
What does it all mean?
Well, when I had nothing I was the happiest.
So part of fearlessness is being at peace with the potential of having nothing at all. I can honestly say it excites me in ways, as does imagining the world ending in 6 months. I don’t fear the loss of all things and I don’t fear death. This allows me to take chances that others fear taking. People can tell me that I am being reckless or “that’s just too risky” and they can’t understand why those words and worries don’t phase me. They were not there in the golden fields. They most likely have never felt nothingness that is pure and liberating.
So what is the email all about? Is it for me to make a scene and boast of my accomplishments? Sometimes. But, I don’t care what people perceive it as, because I know that many people read and feel something and get past their judging my strange wigged characters I play, and instead ask themselves questions about who they are and what they are supposed to do next.
What are you supposed to do next?
What will 2022 be for you?
I have a feeling it’s the biggest year yet to come in all our lives. Things will happen that we will not be able to comprehend and we need a bit of fearlessness in our system to cope with it. We need to remind ourselves that it is a simulation, and it’s a beautiful one. The Game Makers in this sim are most likely our friends, our family, ourselves. We are good, we are not driven to debauchery and chaos when an adult isn’t in the room commanding us what to do. Instead, we are builders, creators, peacemakers, and lovers.
I believe in humanity. I believe in everyone I have ever met. I can find good in all. I hope you can be here with me. Thanks for reading. I get many comments that inspire me to move forward with being fearless and oversharing the intimate details of my self-discovery.
See you next year!
Scott Paul
801.347.8878 | YouTube | LinkedIn | Volley
Definitely one of your Best posts yet & Thank you for sharing! I'm bummed that I'll have to miss Cryptopia on the 19th (since I'll be at a Tradeshow), but hope that you'll be posting highlights and that another conferences will be on the horizon soon. Keep the posts comin'!!!